Runners: Are You Injured? Here’s the Secret Solution You Need!

And what IS that secret solution? (Drum Roll Please………) The “secret solution” is THE TRUTH…. …..which is something you probably don’t want to hear. I get it. Listen up: if you’re injured, you’ve got a real problem. No, it isn’t life or death…..but because you love to...

048: Listener Questions: Becoming a Better Runner, Swim Training and More! [Podcast]

[powerpress]   Today we dig into some great questions sent in to us from listeners. The first has to do with becoming a BETTER runner, something nearly every triathlete and pure runner has thought about at one time or another (or a few thousand times!) 🙂 Whether it’s...

039: More Listener Questions! [Podcast]

[powerpress]   In today’s podcast, we respond to some listener questions on running shoes. This is always a popular topic for discussion regardless of the circle of athletes you’re in. We sure do LOVE OUR SHOES, don’t we? 🙂 We get a regular stream of questions on...