by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Jun 13, 2014 | and Life Balance, Ask Coach Al, Musings from Coach Al, Musings on Training, Podcast, Running
[powerpress] “Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement.” – C.S. Lewis “Our best successes often come after our greatest dissapointments.” – Henry Ward Beecher “Reflect, learn, go again.” – Ben Reyna Every athlete, regardless of the sport (runner,...
by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Jun 6, 2014 | and Life Balance, Ask Coach Al, Authentic Movement, Gait Analysis, Musings from Coach Al, Podcast, Recovery, Running, Triathlon
[powerpress] Hi Everyone! Coach Al here. In today’s podcast, Doc and I delve into a topic we feel is SO important for long term success and fulfillment. It is simply this: what is that ONE thing, that more than anything else, if you experienced a breakthrough in...
by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | May 22, 2014 | Ask Coach Al, Functional Strength Training, Injury, Ironman, Musings from Coach Al, Podcast, Recovery, Running, Running Injury, Triathlon, ultrarunning
[powerpress] In today’s podcast, we once again respond to some listener questions. We really appreciate it when you contact us and ask great questions – keep them coming! Going down: The topic of downhill running, both from a technique perspective and also from a...
by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | May 9, 2014 | and Life Balance, Ask Coach Al, Injury, Musings from Coach Al
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~Mark Twain Have you ever felt...