by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Feb 15, 2015 | Ask Coach Al, Authentic Movement, Core Stability and Strength, Gait Analysis, Musings from Coach Al
It is now mid-February. Whether or not it feels like it (can you say 70+ inches of snow and counting, if you live in the northeast!), spring is right around the corner, and with it, the events you have planned that you are also HOPING will make you feel good about...
by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Nov 14, 2014 | Ask Coach Al, Authentic Movement, Functional Strength Training, Gait Analysis, Injury, Mobility, Musings from Coach Al, Run Form, Running, Running Injury
Hi Everyone! Coach Al here. On the heels of our “Team Pursuit” Re-Set Camp this past weekend, a team member emailed me and asked about some proclamations I had apparently made with regard to minimum standards, that you, as an athlete, ought to be shooting for prior to...
by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Oct 26, 2014 | Ask Coach Al, Functional Strength Training, Injury, Mobility, Run Form, Running, Running Injury
“If your mobility is compromised enough to make you compensate, the sensory input that you have to your reflexive behavior is askew—you have an overload of information or an underload of information. Either way, you’re not receiving the information you need. If...
by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Oct 23, 2014 | Gait Analysis
The grand opening and open house will celebrate our relocation and expansion to the new Pursuit Training Center on the top of Inspiration Lane! On the heels of our recently held “Team Pursuit” open house (see all of the pictures below from that awesome event!), all of...
by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Aug 14, 2014 | Ask Coach Al, Authentic Movement, Core Stability and Strength, Functional Strength Training, Gait Analysis, Ironman, Musings from Coach Al, Recovery, Run Form, Running, Running Injury, Triathlon, ultrarunning
And what IS that secret solution? (Drum Roll Please………) The “secret solution” is THE TRUTH…. …..which is something you probably don’t want to hear. I get it. Listen up: if you’re injured, you’ve got a real problem. No, it isn’t life or death…..but because you love to...