The Bodyweight Strength Program
some final important training principles and concepts:
By the time you reach this page, I’m sure your head will be spinning. There is a LOT to learn. Be patient and persistent though, because it will all make sense once you watch the instructional videos below.
With that being said, let’s QUICKLY REVIEW some of the training principles you’ve already read about, as you will hear and see these within the instructional videos.
- speed of movement
- transitioning from one direction to another
- discomfort associated with maximum effort
- locking out
- radiation of tension
- temporary muscular failure…
- and more!
In the below video, I discuss TWO of the above CONCEPTS that haven’t been discussed before – in a bit more detail. Listen in to learn more!
Very Slow Repetition Speed:
As mentioned, the focus of this training is SUPER SLOW, HIGH-INTENSITY movements. Every movement will be done SLOWLY. Nothing will be rushed, nothing will be performed “fast,” and everything should be done as smoothly as possible.
You will transition smoothly and without pause through most phases of each movement. As you watch each video and read through the instructions, pay close attention to any reference to movement and exercise transition.
The Amount of “Pause” or “Hold”:
The amount will vary depending upon the level (Level 1 to Level 4 of Time Under Load) you are at. Refer back to the tab to your left called: Time Under Load if you’d like a refresher on this topic. Keep reading!
Smooth Transitions:
Smooth transitions at the bottom and top of the movement are important. Maintain proper body position, transition smoothly between the raising and lowering, and contract fully every muscle involved in the movement.
Reverse direction SMOOTHLY: Reversing direction smoothly allows you to keep muscle tension consistent and under control. Hold the tension.
If you are unable to hold tight form and maintain posture, you should move more slowly, shorten range-of-motion, or pause and rest at the easiest edge of the movement. More to come on this topic.
During both the positive and negative portions of the movement, as you approach the end of the range-of-motion, you should gradually slow to a stop and then when you reverse direction, you should attempt to HARDLY move AT ALL.
I’ve discovered this can be difficult to learn at first, but it’s powerful for achieving maximum benefit from this kind of training.
You should AVOID any bouncing, elastic rebound, or herky-jerky motion. Any of that only results in a higher risk of injury and reduced potential benefit of the exercise.
Make learning to transition smoothly from one direction to another one of your highest priorities. It’ll tremendously increase the potential benefits you receive.
You also want continuous motion, NOT herky-jerky starts and stops. As you hold on to tension to maximize each rep, this will be challenging. As your strength improves, it’ll be easier to accomplish.
Don’t Lock Out:
Generally speaking, you should NOT lockout your joints at the top of the push-up or squat. “Locking out” transfers the stress to the joint and results in lost muscle tension. You will see this on the videos where I (or Terry) will almost always stop short of full lockout.
In addition to the above concepts, there are other important CONCEPTS to consider in order for you to get the most benefit from the course:
· Keep your head and neck in a neutral position whenever possible.
· How to breathe? Normally, e.g. don’t hold your breath and don’t hyperventilate. Read that again: breathe normally.
Are You Feeling Some Discomfort?
As mentioned, this is a challenging program that will require you to work extremely hard. It will hurt in a good way. However you must always remember…
…for you to GET STRONGER, you’re going to have to push through “discomfort” barriers.
Ok, onward you go. Make sure to keep it fun!
At NO POINT should you proceed if you feel ANY kind of sharp pain. If at any point, any kind of sensation other than that from fatigue creeps up, STOP immediately and assess. Err on the side of caution.
You are NOW ready to move on to the next area of the program: Step 4 – Your KEYS to Success!
You’re keeping good notes as you go along, right? I hope so, there is a lot here to learn.
Keep going and keep it fun!