Restore: the hips program
keys to your success
A few important “keys” to your success
Venturing into Vulnerability
Before you get into and begin to learn more about this program and subsequently begin actual day to day training plan to improve mobility, I’d like to share some of what I’ve learned in my more than 40 years as coach and athlete. I’ve made a lot of mistakes – my hope is to help you avoid them!
The first goal – to share HOW you should approach this training – and in fact, any of the other programs I have made available here on this site. Think of this as an overview of the optimal philosophy to guide you on this mobility (or movement) training path.
You might be wondering why I titled this first section, “Venturing into Vulnerability.”
Simply put, mobility training is very challenging. Nothing will be given to you in this course – you will earn every bit of your progress. And along the way, you’re going to feel vulnerable. And perhaps like you’re a complete beginner. Or that no matter how hard you try, you won’t improve the way you had hoped.
Those feelings are normal.
And remember, despite my greatest desire to have you see your “weaknesses” as areas of opportunity, you will occasionally and inevitably feel “weak.” And vulnerable. It’s normal.
Be willing to be vulnerable. Put your ego aside – strive not for “perfect,” but simply better.
Even the seemingly “small” improvements can add up to massive success. In the midst of our own Type-A desire to get stronger, go faster, and be better, we can easily forget that sometimes the BEST learning and results…
…come from exploration, experimentation, and joyful play.

“Collagen architecture responds to loading.” Source: Anatomy Trains by Thomas Myers
Quality vs Quantity
The 10,000 Hour Rule: Back in 2008, the book “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell hit the shelves and became a phenomenon in business and athletic circles worldwide. That’s probably understandable considering that the book seemed to provide a clear path to success: PUT IN the TIME. Count those hours.
As it turned out though, there was a real problem. Talent, and results, are about a lot more than just one measure – counting hours.
Of course, what’s since been acknowledged is that the “secret” to this 10,000 rule, isn’t quantity, it’s quality. It’s about the power of sharp, focused, high-quality practice. It’s about the massive learning differences created by intense, mindful efforts.
I explored this concept in great detail in a webinar I did some time ago for Pursuit Team Members, called DEEP PRACTICE. It’s a “deep” exploration of the benefits of this approach and some key recommendations and suggestions as to how to make the most of it. I’ve embedded that video at the bottom of this page. To watch and learn, please check it out!
The 10-minute rule:
What I want you to take away from this right now, is that there are no set timetables or “minimum” hours that will be required to “achieve” success, however YOU define success.
Mobility gains will be unique for each person, as each person has a different starting point, different athletic history, different goals, and unique daily responsibilities.
To achieve YOUR best success in the most efficient way possible, you’re likely to have the greatest success if you translate the 10,000 hour rule, into a much more effective approach: the 10-minute rule.
In 10-minutes of focused practice and training, you can accomplish a tremendous amount. You’re chunking your effort into bite-sized pieces that allow for greater focus.
Here’s your best approach:
- Choose a target skill (based on what your greatest areas of opportunity are) to focus on – and chunk it as you need to – to make gains in that single area.
- Focus intently on the task at hand. Be present fully in the moment.
- Rest as needed. If you need to take a break, take it, then return when you’re able to also return a high level of focus. If you’re exhausted, quit.
Bring Enthusiasm! Keep it fun!
I love this article, “To Harness Neuroplasticity, Start with Enthusiasm” by Dr. Helen Popovic. In it, she shares that our brain isn’t subject exclusively to the commands of our DNA, but rather, is an ever-evolving organ that is “continually altering its structure, cell number, circuitry, and chemistry as a direct result of everything we do, experience, think and believe.”
To some degree, the exact same thing could be said for our joints. And maybe…just maybe, even our connective tissue. It is possible, you know? It’s truly remarkable to consider all of the things we don’t yet know about our bodies – and what amazing discoveries might be made far into the future.
I especially appreciate this, from the article: “When we practice a skill in our imaginations, the same neurons are firing as if we were performing the skill in real life! If we see ourselves executing a task perfectly in the mind’s eye, we become better at it in the real world because mental rehearsal increases the efficiency of electrical transmissions between the involved nerve cells. Mental practice turbocharges our progress!”
In a book by Dr. Joe Dispenza called “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself,” several of the concepts presented resonate with what Dr. Popovic discusses in her article.
He talks about these ideas, not specifically from the skill-building perspective, but from the point of view that if we start with the right thoughts…we can set in motion the rewiring of our neurons – which in turn can change our feelings.
Those thoughts and feelings ultimately lead to actions aligned with and which move us toward our goals, intentions, expectations – those things that we initially thought. Or not.
He says that the power of thinking goes so far as to set off the chemical stimulus in the brain and body such that the body is feeling and doing things as if the “event”/thought has already happened …and therefore can make us an agent in influencing the actual situation – according to our thoughts.
This creates a new habit, one that organizes both captain and the crew (to use Dr. Popovic’s analogy) more consistently toward the outcomes we want. This is a powerful tool we carry around all day! It is cool to think about how to maximize its potential!
What’s the point in sharing concepts and ideas from both the article and book, at this point in time?
It’s this: our mental mindset, enthusiasm, thought process, and approach all greatly impact our potential for success. The take-home is this:
Be enthusiastic and imaginative. Practice in your mind and visualize where you want to be (from a mobility perspective), and then keep your training and practice fun – make it play in every way you can.
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