by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Feb 17, 2015 | Ask Coach Al, Authentic Movement, Injury, Musings from Coach Al, Running, Running Injury
Hey Everyone. Coach Al here. Thanks for joining me today. I want to to share with you today some thoughts on the challenge of changing beliefs and perceptions in athletes. It’s a view from my side of the fence, the perspective of a long-time coach who has dedicated...
by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Jan 13, 2015 | Authentic Movement, Functional Strength Training, Injury, Musings from Coach Al, Running, Running Injury
If you are one of the many runners or triathletes who routinely run on the roads because the trail isn’t comfortable or intimidates you, or is a place you tend to get hurt or frustrated, read on. I used to feel that way too! First, anyone who routinely reads our blog...
by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Jan 2, 2015 | Injury
If you have Facebook friends like mine, your newsfeed is filled with end of year stats on number of miles of swimming, biking and running done this year. It’s great! People are active and they are celebrating! There are some folks who target a number and go for it,...
by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Nov 14, 2014 | Ask Coach Al, Authentic Movement, Functional Strength Training, Gait Analysis, Injury, Mobility, Musings from Coach Al, Run Form, Running, Running Injury
Hi Everyone! Coach Al here. On the heels of our “Team Pursuit” Re-Set Camp this past weekend, a team member emailed me and asked about some proclamations I had apparently made with regard to minimum standards, that you, as an athlete, ought to be shooting for prior to...
by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Nov 3, 2014 | Ask Coach Al, Injury, Musings from Coach Al, Run Form, Running, Running Injury, ultrarunning
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” – Albert Einstein “Caveat Emptor” – Latin for let the buyer beware Hi Everyone! Coach Al here. Today I’m jumping up onto my soapbox. I guess I’m a little tired of looking around me...
by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Oct 26, 2014 | Ask Coach Al, Functional Strength Training, Injury, Mobility, Run Form, Running, Running Injury
“If your mobility is compromised enough to make you compensate, the sensory input that you have to your reflexive behavior is askew—you have an overload of information or an underload of information. Either way, you’re not receiving the information you need. If...