by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Aug 22, 2015 | Ask Coach Al, Injury, Musings from Coach Al, Musings on Training, Recovery, Running Injury, Stability
My short post yesterday on 1 day of scheduled rest each week really got many of you thinking, at least based upon the feedback I received. (Yes, I love hearing from you, so keep your replies and emails coming!) As time goes on, I’ll share lots more about both recovery...
by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Aug 21, 2015 | Ask Coach Al, Injury, Musings from Coach Al, Musings on Training, Recovery, Running Injury, Stability
So let me ask…. Are you training 7-days a week, thinking that you need to hit-it every day in order to improve? Do you feel you get enough rest in between training sessions, or that a complete day of rest is only for novices? Does training every day make you feel...
by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Aug 20, 2015 | Ask Coach Al, Injury, Mobility, Mobility, Musings from Coach Al, Musings on Training, Recovery, Running Injury, Stability
Whether we like it or not, when it comes to things like movement quality (mobility, flexibility, stability), running shoe choice, and training volume or intensity, to name a few, each of us has our own “margin of error.” That margin tends to lessen as we get older, as...
by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Apr 22, 2015 | Injury, Podcast, Running, Running Injury, ultrarunning
[powerpress] Today I am pleased to welcome podiatrist Rebecca Rushton of Esperance Podiatry in Esperance, Australia, to the podcast. Without a doubt, Rebecca is one of the world’s foremost experts on blisters! Now if you’ve never struggled with a blister, then the...
by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Feb 19, 2015 | Ask Coach Al, Injury, Swimming, Triathlon
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” – Albert Einstein Hi Everyone! Coach Al here. I’ve got a quickie for you today, talking swim technique and common mistakes I see in developing triathletes. As many of you know, for...
by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Feb 19, 2015 | Ask Coach Al, Injury, Musings from Coach Al, Running, Running Injury
In response to a recent survey I sent out to some athletes on our mailing list, many told me how frustrated they are with an on again-off again running injury cycle. Quite a few also said they have learned the hard way that when they're injured, they can't train, and...