by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Sep 30, 2015 | Ask Coach Al, Coaching, Marathon Training, Mindset, Musings from Coach Al, Musings on Training, Running
I was chatting recently with an athlete I just started working with about an upcoming marathon she had planned to run. I am excited about the opportuity to be working with her; regardless of how talented she might be, she is eager to learn and understands that...
by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Sep 28, 2015 | Ask Coach Al, Coaching, Core Stability and Strength, Functional Strength Training, Musings from Coach Al, Musings on Training
I received this email question the other day from a reader of the blog: “I keep having this argument with a friend of mine who is an ultra-runner and believes endurance is a lot more important than strength. Our goals are the same, to live an active life and also do...
by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Sep 16, 2015 | Ask Coach Al, Authentic Movement, Coaching, Mindset, Musings from Coach Al, Musings on Training, Running Injury
Some days I find myself having to defend my philosophy that we ought to move well and have a handle on some basic skills, first, before we load up on more miles or intensity, or sign-up for that first Ironman or ultra-run. In those discussions I often say something...
by Coach Al Lyman, CSCS, FRCms | Sep 8, 2015 | Ask Coach Al, Before and After Videos, Coaching, Core Stability and Strength, Functional Strength Training, Gait Analysis, Mindset, Musings from Coach Al, Musings on Training, Running
…Or DO you? So listen, has a sports medicine professional, personal trainer or coach ever told you that your glute medius (or minimus) is weak, or that you need to strengthen it? Or, that this muscle “weakness” is the real reason you’re injured? If you’ve heard...