restore: the legs program
weeks three through six: building foot and leg strength
four weeks of training – three through six:
Assuming your two-weeks of preparation training and learning and practice have gone well, you should be ready to up your game a bit with the next block of training.
If you need to, don’t hesitate to take an extra week (or two) to ensure you have done all that’s required to set yourself up for success with this upcoming block.
There’s no rush. This is truly a lifetime of learning and training. Get it right. The first time.
Even under perfect circumstances, you’re liable to come to these skills time and again.
Are you a runner? If so, listen up.
When I program for the runners I coach, I usually dictate that these kinds of exercises and training sessions be completed AFTER a run. Not before.
- For most run training, you want to be fresh and ready to get the most from the session. That means being rested, not tired from strength work.
- As a result, the post-run training period is the ideal time to strength train. I recommend you get RIGHT TO IT right after your run.
- That approach has multiple benefits: 1. allowing you to keep your momentum going without delay, and 2. Maximizing recovery AFTER training.
If in doubt, wait and do it later on the same day. Or wait until the next day. Train smart!
To hear a quick overview of weeks 3 to 6, watch and listen in!
Week 3 and Week 4

If you would like to print a PDF of your training for weeks 3 and 4, CLICK HERE!
Week 5 and Week 6

If you would like to print a PDF of your training for weeks 5 and 6, CLICK HERE!
The Optimal Warm-Up:
Depending on what you are doing prior to getting into this training, a warm-up could have a significant impact on how you feel and the overall success of the training session.
As always, you have some options:
- Starting with some light mobility work to get the blood flowing and joints moving is almost never a bad idea. This will be more important if you’ve been sedentary prior to the session – sitting at your desk perhaps? Or rising early to train out of bed.
- A more dynamic warm-up might include some activities which mirror the exercise itself but at a lighter intensity, such as doing bodyweight RFESS prior to embarking on the actual strength set.
- You could also do some Clock Lunge Series or something similar. You’ll find that video in the Performance Portal under “Follow Along with Coach Al.”