restore: the legs program


greetings and Welcome! 

Thank you for being here and for making the choice to take the next step in your leg training. 

If your GOAL is to develop stronger, more powerful legs and feet – from the tip of your toes to your trunk – then you are in the RIGHT place!

As you look through the course, you’ll more than likely notice that the layout that’s presented to you isn’t about focusing on the more common overuse leg and foot injuries that typically plague athletes, particularly runners. There is a very specific reason for that.

We’re taking a more holistic view


We’re not a single body part, we’re holistic organisms. Think of it this way: Muscles don’t act in isolation.

An individual muscle, like the calf or the hamstring, can have a completely different role depending on the activity and the timing of that activity. To truly train our bodies to improve in a way that will actually improve our durability, speed, and power, we need to train holistically. The word “functional” is arguably overused and misapplied in sports and training these days, but in this instance, we are certainly seeking and will be applying a more functional approach.

With this mindset, while you WILL see specific references to certain muscle groups throughout the menu on your left and within the program, we’re doing that for simplicity.

Yes we’ll approach training our legs by focusing on muscle groups, and on certain areas of the body – but we are doing it in a very holistic, functional way.

If we each focus on our own individual areas of opportunity or “weak links,” whatever they may be, we’ll make our entire body including our legs, stronger and more resilient! Rock on!

For an overview of the program and some guidance on where to begin, go to the menu on your left and choose the START HERE tab. Good luck with your training! 

“…what differentiates those who are gritty vs. those who aren’t is not just the hours of work they’re putting in. They are putting the hardest kinds of work in. They’re not working on things they already know, they isolate what they DON’T know, isolate their own weaknesses, and then they work just on that. And that seems to be characteristic of high achievement and what grit enables you to do. Basically, being in a very uncomfortable place for some part of your day, working extremely hard, and then to get up and do it all over again…..and again and again.”

-Angela Lee Duckworth, Ph.D (from her TedxBlue on grit)  

Remember to keep it fun!

Going through the process of day in and day out training should be enjoyable and rewarding. If it weren’t, we wouldn’t do it, would we? 

Part of this process of improving and getting stronger and becoming more resilient revolves around learning new skills and then progressing them. 

And herein lies the frustration: Very often when we’re trying to learn something new or improve our skills, we easily become impatient and frustrated with our seemingly slow progress. 

The learning process just never seems to happen as fast we would like or expect!

As adults, how we think about our progress can be perplexing, because we tend to believe that because we have so much information at our fingertips in a program like this, we automatically expect that simply learning that knowledge and applying it a few times will make us better. And sometimes that can happen.

But when it comes to the most important skills, it rarely happens that way and it often doesn’t come as easily as we expect.

Even when you do all of the right things, getting good still takes time, and that’s assuming you stick with it. It is gradual, and yes, it does take time AND patience, but if you are willing to stick with it and stay focused, then you’ll get to where you want to be. So, keep on keeping on! 

“The truth isn’t popular, but it’s still the truth.”


To print a PDF of all of the written information here, CLICK HERE!