Racing Tips and Two FREE Bonuses
In response to a recent survey I sent out to some athletes on our mailing list, many told me how frustrated they are with an on again-off again running injury cycle. Quite a few also said they have learned the hard way that when they’re injured, they can’t train, and when they can’t train, they can’t improve.
Thinking about racing Ironman or 70.3 in 2021? Don’t make THIS mistake!
2020 was one heck of a difficult year on so many levels. For triathletes that like to race, it's been very challenging as most of the races that were supposed to happen, didn't. Those lost races are making 2021 an important year for so many – the chance to get back...
Can an “old” injury literally haunt you for years?
Let's say you're walking down the sidewalk one day and you get a tiny little pebble inside of your shoe. You feel it instantly, and it hurts for a moment. You might even yell, "ouch!" So you stop. Take off your shoe and turn it upside down and shake. The pebble falls...
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