Video Training Tips!


Here you’ll find a wide variety of (mostly) short training tips.

Refer to the Menu Where You’ll See Different Topic Areas Listed. Enjoy!

I am learning every day, and I love to share what I learn.

More than 20 years as a professional coach and almost 10 years operating a gait analysis lab with my former partner, Dr. Kurt Strecker – well, let’s just say that I’ve made a lot of mistakes and have lots to share.

My hope is that you’ll save yourself years of trial and error by spending a few minutes listening in!

If you have topics you’d like me to delve into in more detail, get in contact and let me know. Thanks for listening!

Inside of each topic area, I’ve shared some videos – and will continue to add more as time goes on.

I’ll post the NEWEST videos at the top so that you can be sure you’re seeing the latest additions. (I reserve the right 🙂 to occasionally keep certain TIPS pinned to the top due to their relevance).