running Tips
For many years, my primary focus as a runner was running the BOSTON Marathon faster! If you know the course, you understand downhills are important.
Years later, I created some “Get Fast” training plans for the members of Team Pursuit.
One of the “signature” workouts? Fast downhill striding. This video comes from those days – you’ll hear me reference those plans a few times.
What CAN WE DO to reduce the likelihood of a running-related knee injury?
As it turns out, the knees are simply a slave to what happens above and below. Look closely at the hips and the feet to know what your risk might be, and make sure to do the right kinds of training to stabilize, mobilize, and strengthen all of those areas.
Hamstring PAILS – RAILS: End-Range Holds!
Here’s an advanced training strategy that is both movement AND running related.
And one terrific way to improve hamstring resilience!
Watch Sami Run!
Here’s a few seconds of Kenyan Sami Wanjiru, as he is about to run to Olympic glory at the 2008 Olympics in Athens. Check out his hip mobility – how smooth and powerful he appears, even at this very late stage in the race!
Runners: If you want to improve, you HAVE TO DO THIS!
OBJECTIVELY LOOKING AT WHAT IS HAPPENING WHEN YOU RUN is absolutely essential if you want to be a better runner. Why?
You can identify weak links and address them BEFORE they turn into a full-fledged injury.
The same training that helps you become more DURABLE is also the training that helps you reduce ENERGY LEAKS.
Think about this: 1/4 inch improvement in stride length that is achieved due to reduced energy leak, immediately turns into a 10 second per mile improvement in running speed!
Look what happens when you do the right kind of training in the right way.
Here’s a quick look at a before – after series of videos.
This is an absolutely amazing transformation!
Have you ever considered your Thoracic or “T-Spine,” as it relates to running?
Perhaps you should…
Here’s a little tip to get the most from your leg stretching…
The truth is, no runner should ever suffer from a long term, chronic running injury.
Why? Because if we would STOP the minute we feel something isn’t right, and never run THROUGH injury pain, then we could avoid long term running shutdowns. Think about it.
Is a running program the BEST way to develop good movement quality?
That’s a great question to ask.
Look what happens when you do the right kind of training in the right way.
Here’s another look at a before-after series of running videos.
And again, another impressive transformation!
Movement (injury) issues can manifest in many different ways in running.
We’re all unique – an experiment of one.
Movement quality is universal though!
No one loves to run more than I do, or has had the simple act of running impact their life so dramatically, but…