how to assess hip-flexor flexibility


How to test and assess:

The muscles and other tissues along the entire front of the hip from the waist to the knee, also known collectively as the “hip flexors,” have gotten a lot of attention in both the wellness and fitness communities over the last decade. T

What’s at least one reason why?

The increasing amount of time that the average person, in this day and age, spends sitting in a chair.

One perhaps less-than-obvious factor in helping to maintain and improve optimal flexibility along the front of our body is, making sure the entire hip girdle (glutes!) is simultaneously stable and strong.

Think about it: When we’re seated, the tissues along the front of our body and specifically our hips and legs, are in a shortened position.

Left in that shortened position for hours, and as time goes on, it’s likely more permanent (and less desirable) shortening starts to become the norm. From there, a slew of problems can arise.

The bottom line: to feel good and perform well and stay free of injury, our goal should always be to maintain balance between the front of the body and the back of the body – and the hips are at the center of it all.

In this video, I give you two options for assessing the front of your hips. One requires a table or counter-top. The other doesn’t.

Pay close attention to how each of these positions feels – your perception matters a lot because you know your body better than anyone.

Get in touch if you have specific questions about how to address shortness in this region. Email me directly: