I’ve had Coach Al as my coach now for about 13 years. What began as a “quasi” coach/athlete relationship – with him helping me to get over some nagging injuries and helping with my running – has turned into an amazing collaboration and friendship grounded in complete trust and mutual respect.
During all of those years…what are the things that have really stood out to me? No one works harder than Coach to continually learn more and then want to share it with others. And no coach I’ve ever known cares more about the health AND success of every person he comes into contact with.
Coach Al is a master of helping the athlete manage time and eliminate “fluff” training sessions – he’s an expert at protecting athletes from themselves and helping them to stay injury free.
Would you like to find out what limiters might be holding you back, whether they’re a movement, pacing, nutrition, or the mental component? Well, no one is more qualified to help than Coach Al!
And, amazingly, I just won my 5th Ironman Age-Group World Championship, thanks to Coach Al’s guidance!
Need I say more?
-Lisbeth Kenyon
5-time Ironman Triathlon Age-Group World Champion
Olivia struggled through many long periods of injury and frustration…but she never gave up on herself or on us, as a company that was 100% committed to helping her in whatever way we could.
Listen as she tells HER STORY in her own words. It’s incredible. Her journey is one that will surely inspire!

-Olivia Syptak

Olivia struggled through many long periods of injury and frustration…but she never gave up on herself or on us, as a company that was 100% committed to helping her in whatever way we could.
Listen as she tells HER STORY in her own words. It’s incredible. Her journey is one that will surely inspire!
-Olivia Syptak
I don’t know if Coach remembers this, but I sent him a note back in 2015 and shared these thoughts with him. I wrote them after a phone call that we shared that was so meaningful for me.
You saved my life – you changed it for the better in so many ways. You have become so much more than just a coach. You’ve nurtured me, challenged me, pissed me off, made me think and taken me so far out of my comfort zone, I don’t even know where that is anymore.
I never thought of you as a hardass. You are a deeply passionate person who, by however you got to where you are, have a gift for what you do that so many people wish they had. And you don’t keep it for yourself.
You want to share what you’ve learned and experienced, warts and all. You’re fearless in so many ways. I admire that. And not just in a “I’m gonna BASE jump off this building and see what happens” kind of way, but in your willingness to bare things that are sometimes personal…in a way that is meant to say – it’s okay that you fail – that’s how you learn. So many of us ARE afraid to fail. But you sharing yourself and showing us all your vulnerability – helps in more ways than you could ever know.
There are things you have said over the relatively short time I’ve known you that have told me volumes about the type of person, man, father, son, partner and friend you are. Not all said directly to me. Some in groups, when talking to other people.
You can’t save everyone and I know that is hard for you to understand – why people can’t see what is clearly in front of them, staring them in the face. You speak the truth. It’s hard to listen to for some… but each time I’ve sat back and mulled it over and have been truly honest with myself – you were right.
I am so grateful and honored to call you my coach. And wherever our paths take us in life, you will be one of less then a handful of people who have made a profound impact in my life.
-Maureen Brook
As a lifelong athlete in different sports, I’ve experienced a lot of different training programs over the years. Some have been just a boilerplate training program for a specific event and others have been more personalized to one degree or another. Now that I am on the north side of 50 years old and have a career that has extremely high physical demands I realize that I need more than just a calendar with a plan for each day. I am an older guy in a young guy’s game, both at work and in sport. Imbalances and training errors are simply detrimental to performance, regardless of age.
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I started “coach shopping” a year ago and talked to a teammate (Lisbeth Kenyon) who immediately directed me to Al. I know that my situation is somewhat difficult with an unusual job in the Government and yet still want to be competitive in endurance sports. I need both strength and power at work and I know that my triathlon “perfect” race weight isn’t conducive to good performance at work. I needed a hybrid program from someone that would accept the challenge of my situation. After chatting on the phone with Al, I realized that this is exactly the person – the guide – I need.
The approach to training isn’t about sacrificing all else in order to get faster like I’ve seen so many times. It’s about being a better human machine, which will then beget competitive success. Physically re-training those most important core systems creates amazing results. Speed improves, balance improves, the body simply functions as it was designed. Had I only known these things a few decades ago!
No matter how “sold” I was, the cost is something that must be considered and this was the first time I was going to commit financially to this extent for coaching. It was a reason for pause but I decided to make it work and see what happens. I now realize that it’s the best money I spend each month. Injuries that plagued me every year are now resolved due to vastly improved balance and function. That all carries over to the rest of my life of course. Work tasks and challenges are easier and I usually outperform guys way younger me on a regular basis. Even compared to when I was doing iron distance events, I’m now stronger, faster, and healthier than I was 5 or even 10 years ago.
Al isn’t just a Coach for the human body – he’s a student of it as well. New things – movements – assessments – circuits, get added constantly. New exercises are plugged in to address your individual deficit in one area or another. It’s unlike anything I’ve done before and It simply WORKS. It’s not easy, but it’s amazingly effective for me. Most of all, I have a Coach that is right at the end of the phone (or computer) whenever I have an issue or concern.
I am a better performing human thanks to Al. He’s not only my Coach, but a motivator and more importantly, someone I now count as a friend. I can’t recommend his services more highly to anyone that is serious about their training.
The approach to training isn’t about sacrificing all else in order to get faster like I’ve seen so many times. It’s about being a better human machine, which will then beget competitive success. Physically re-training those most important core systems creates amazing results. Speed improves, balance improves, the body simply functions as it was designed. Had I only known these things a few decades ago!
No matter how “sold” I was, the cost is something that must be considered and this was the first time I was going to commit financially to this extent for coaching. It was a reason for pause but I decided to make it work and see what happens. I now realize that it’s the best money I spend each month. Injuries that plagued me every year are now resolved due to vastly improved balance and function. That all carries over to the rest of my life of course. Work tasks and challenges are easier and I usually outperform guys way younger me on a regular basis. Even compared to when I was doing iron distance events, I’m now stronger, faster, and healthier than I was 5 or even 10 years ago.
Al isn’t just a Coach for the human body – he’s a student of it as well. New things – movements – assessments – circuits, get added constantly. New exercises are plugged in to address your individual deficit in one area or another. It’s unlike anything I’ve done before and It simply WORKS. It’s not easy, but it’s amazingly effective for me. Most of all, I have a Coach that is right at the end of the phone (or computer) whenever I have an issue or concern.
I am a better performing human thanks to Al. He’s not only my Coach, but a motivator and more importantly, someone I now count as a friend. I can’t recommend his services more highly to anyone that is serious about their training.
-Tom Groff

Meeting Coach Al was by far the best thing that has happened to me in my athletic career.
As a result of working with Coach Al, I successfully recovered from a 3-year injury battle with chronic hip/low back pain, strengthened (and continue to strengthen) my weaknesses, learned to develop an appreciation of what I can do in the moment, learned the importance of recovery days and generally started to like the sport of triathlon again. I spent three years of “getting by” and not enjoying my training, unable to train to my full potential because of injury. I had started to become very sour on the sport I loved. I spent so much money on PT, acupuncture, massage, and chiropractic, but none of it addressed the underlying issues that kept me in the injury zone. Coach Al identified those issues.
What I love about working with Coach Al is how much I am learning about the sport, the human body, the kinetic chain, and about myself. He challenges me in ways I have never been challenged before, and I am seeing and feeling the benefits. I am learning to do things in a way that I have not done before. And I am getting results!
I was first introduced to the Get Strong Move Right program in November of 2016. At that time Coach Al was running it as a Facebook group. The program was something I could do each day and not have to spend hours on. Within two weeks of the group starting, my massage therapist and physical therapist asked me what I was doing differently. They noticed differences in my muscle tissue. My alignment was better. My body was already changing for the better and imbalances were starting to correct. Maximal benefit with minimal time.
Whether you are looking to gain strength, learn how to move more efficiently, recover from injury, or do all you can to prevent injury, Coach Al can help. I would highly recommend him to anyone. Working with him was the most valuable gift I have ever given myself.
-Kristin Wilkes White
I signed up for Coach Al’s “Get Strong Move Right” online group training sessions and I was astounded by my progress just two weeks into the program. My swimming speed was the initial improvement and that alone was motivating and inspiring.
As I have continued along with his targeted strength work I feel more stable and durable. This is translating to better running form but without having to “think” about making corrections while out running.
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Since starting to work with Al and use his programs, I have not experienced those niggly running injuries that in the past have reared their ugly heads. This is translating into consistent run training and what has already, in a few short months, progressed my running speed. And I am just getting started!
I can’t be more thrilled with the level of knowledge and expertise that Al possesses. His communication skills are top-notch and he is able to translate complicated nuances in movement technique with ease. He is a true treasure and I am fortunate to have found such a gem!
-Caroline Kavanagh

What can I say? Coach Al is a passionate and caring coach with truly amazing expertise and experience. He’s changed my life. When we met a little more than 3 years ago, I was not able to run at all due to lingering injuries that had lasted for years. On/off, on/off. Over and over. The cycle was so frustrating.
We started with an analysis – Coach Al was able to identify the areas I needed to work on to improve tissue balance and core/hip stability, and got me on a program to improve and rebuild my strength – a process I continue to this day!
What I love most is that he always begins “at the beginning.” I finally know WHY I am doing an exercise as well as how to do it well. I love the feeling of having a solid foundation.
Now I am running pain-free and getting stronger and faster every week. I am so excited to continue working with Coach Al and am grateful for the time and energy he has invested in me.
-Maria Barry

Coach Al has given me the tools that I needed to be able to overcome the nagging injuries that have kept me from doing the things I love. I am now able to enjoy training and competing once again. It’s been a long journey with plenty of ups and downs and a lot of hard work, but I trust Coach completely – he’s helped put me on a path to be stronger and faster than I was even before my injury setbacks!
I’ve never had anyone else care so much about me and my health and my body, and put so much energy into seeing me get stronger and healthier and thrive. The Pursuit Athletic Performance programs deliver results!
-Dirk Johnson
I retired from the military in 2001. Up to that point I had always trained and stayed in shape. Upon retiring I began a career in software development which led to the typical days of sitting in front of a computer all day. As I edged closer to 60 I decided to begin training again. My weight was up to over 200 pounds and I could tell it was ‘use it or lose it ‘ time.
I thought I would start things off with running. This was something I had always been good at, having run competitively for many years as a younger man. After about two years of training to a certain level then breaking down with one injury after another, I was looking for a solution. Being someone who works on computers, I began searching for that solution. Believe me, there were several programs out there touting that they had the answer. So I would adopt one after the other, always with the same result – a return of the injuries I’d previously experienced.
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Then I ran across Coach Al Lyman on one of my searches online. We spoke on the phone, and the things he mentioned were a bit different. There was no “magic” or quick fixes offered, just science and previous experience he had and was willing to share, that meshed with what I had learned and then put aside after my military career. It seemed clear now: among other things, my body was compensating for weaknesses that had developed over time. Until these were addressed history would very likely continue to repeat itself.
Well, the benefits I have seen since that first call and meeting have been too many to list. I started by jumping in on one of Coach Al’s Get Strong Move Right coaching programs and began to see some fairly major changes in my ability to move more easily and get around. I find that my quality of life has improved on many levels thus far. Wanting to return to competitive running may have been the motivating force in the beginning, however it has turned out to be much more than that.
Other things I like to do have also seen improvement. I love to play music with my band and have found I perform better. I like to restore old cars and crawling around them is a lot easier. Will I be a competitive runner again? Only time will tell for this is a continuing process. Among other things, core stability and core strength are moving targets that have to be constantly addressed. This is one of many things you will learn with Al, and Pursuit Athletic Performance. The attention to detail, and level of teaching will not be found elsewhere. If I have it in me, I have no doubt he will get me there. I trust the process.
-Mark Horn

If you are looking for someone who truly cares…and who also has the experience and expertise to help you reach higher levels of performance and recover faster too, Coach Al should be your go-to coach.
I trust his training programs because I know they’re backed by real science and years of practical experience. I also know he cares as much about my health and healthspan, as he does about how fast or strong I can become. As I get older, that is so important to me!
Have I said yet that not only does he apply his great wealth of experience and many tools (which he always tries out on himself first) to help athletes improve, he also genuinely cares for everyone he comes into contact with? Coach Al’s compassion and empathy, and his focus on specifically addressing the needs of each individual he works with, is something I’ve rarely ever seen in the coaching or athletic community.
I’ve never had anyone else care so much about me and my health and my body, and put so much energy into seeing me get stronger and healthier and thrive. The Pursuit Athletic Performance programs deliver results!
-Julie Carter
Working with Coach Al is a blessing. His training plans are designed to help restore and build better quality movement and strength in order to limit injury and train optimally. His thoughtful feedback helps in every stage of the training process, and I’m thrilled with where my fitness and health are in this stage of my running career.
I’m so grateful to be working with Coach Al and am incredibly excited to see what the future holds when it comes to being fit and having fun along the way!
-Tom Barry

As an age-group triathlete for over 30 years, my body was increasingly telling me through pain and stiffness that I was moving inefficiently.
So I decided to take the leap and do a Virtual Gait Analysis with Pursuit Athletic Performance.
Coach Al patiently helped me relearn to move with focus and concentration, targeting the parts of my body that I had largely ignored for decades.
His video assessment and online feedback were easy to understand and backed up by years of personal practice and knowledge of the sport.
Al’s lifetime of experience as a professional musician adds to his understanding about how we learn through repetition and practice to achieve optimal performance on the concert stage, or on the race course.
-John Beck
I have known and worked with Coach Al for over 6 years. Prior to working with Al, I had very little knowledge about endurance sports let alone proper training techniques.
Over the years he has consistently emphasized the importance of building a strong foundation through a variety of exercises and skills. He works to continuously expand his knowledge by actively seeking out further educational opportunities which he then brings back to his athletes. He is approachable and responds to my needs and concerns very quickly. He is very personable and truly invested in my process/journey and helping me accomplish my goals, including everything from a 50K trail run to the growing sport of SwimRun and everything in between.
I would recommend Coach Al without reservation to anyone looking to learn, grow and become a more durable athlete. With his guidance and passion, there are no limitations to what you can achieve.
-Kim Chemacki

I am grateful for everything you have taught me: to be kinder to myself, to believe that I am capable of so much more than I initially thought, to push out of the blue zone, and to have faith that I can do it.
Your training philosophy is unparalleled and your holistic approach to getting strong while being stable and focused has enabled me to be able to run, keep up with my grandkids, and not be sore after moving rocks.
You have given me and so many others the unique tools to be an older runner and I look forward to moving with strength and ease into my 60’s and beyond. Furthermore, you have believed in me and for that I am forever grateful.
-Marcellina Tylee
Coach Al brings the perfect balance of science and art to training athletes. His steadfast focus on building a strong, stable, and mobile foundation, as the basis for progression and performance, has without a doubt made me a more capable and more resilient athlete. And he supports his approach with a seemingly endless store of knowledge, combined with a learning mindset that is always gathering more information and looking at new ways of doing things, to enhance the tried and true.
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Coach Al has bottomless generosity with his wisdom, and is relentless in the pursuit of excellence and “doing it right”. I’ve learned the hard way that injury is inevitable without the right balance of training stress combined with optimal recovery. Al takes a holistic approach across the mind, body, and spirit, and it is the combination of these things and the way he puts them together that I’ve grown to really appreciate.
Thanks, Al, for all you’ve taught me, and for really caring along the way. You’ve made me a better athlete, and each day leave the world a little better place than the way you found it.
-Kevin Carlsten

Thank you so much for the Get Strong Move Right program – it’s been a big success. Not only did I meet my goals, it showed me what I needed to do in order to be an even better athlete and accomplish my long term objectives. I’ll be 52 this year and I finally feel strong again. I used to feel stress in my legs; this has been reduced / almost eliminated. Remarkably, I now need to remind myself to warm up well and hit the foam roller – previously, my body told me I had to do this. The bonus has been the weight loss I accomplished working in the program – that was something I have wanted to do for probably 9 years. It did not happen with all the training I was doing for all the reasons you taught us. I plan to keep this going, thanks for all you do – you the man!
-Curt Cannata
“What can I say – your methodology and approach are transformational. Your level of support and attention to detail is incredible. I’m beyond grateful to have the opportunity to work with you!
Plus I feel like “I’m back,” so there’s that. Thank you! Any athlete would be lucky to have you in their camp!”
-David Ahrens
To learn MORE about the Virtual Gait Analysis process that helped turn Dave’s career as a triathlete around, go HERE and read the story!

It’s funny how some of the best things sneak up on you in life. My desire to “do something” with my running brought me to Al. I knew him from attending a trail running camp he had hosted. The first thing I learned was that my entire way of thinking needed to change. Al always starts at YOUR beginning, and he knew before I could do something with my running, I needed to buy into a much more important idea for myself. I needed to make myself a priority.
I had no idea of the transformative path I had begun with Al.
Foundation and progression. Two words that form the basis of Al’s programs. If you’re like me, you’re in for a journey that will take you far, far away from what you want right now. Building a foundation (because you have none!) and “progressing on” were two inconvenient truths that I had to reconcile before I was ready to run well. I needed to be honest with myself about what my limiters were with regard to taking care of my overall health and well-being.
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Yes, these are excuses wrapped in good intentions, but the truth is, I can’t perform well in anything I do in my life until I make myself a priority. Putting that idea into practice EVERY DAY is way harder than it sounds, especially when it’s all wrapped up in guilt. I am the parent of a child with a lifelong disability. Every day I must step up and provide him with a high level of care and support. We also have my Mom living with us now. Some days, all that caregiving sucks the life right out of me. We all have our story, right?
Over the past 5 years since attending that camp and working with Al, I have experienced many periods of “I can’t commit to this right now.” All have been real “it’s out of my control” genuine excuses. I have learned to ignore that self-defeating noise in my head. I immediately recommit and come right back to ground zero. I do the work I know I need to do. I train smarter, work harder at putting into practice all the things that Al has taught me (and continues to) teach me.
Each time, I have learned a bit more, the foundation has become stronger and the progression is greater. I don’t ever “lose” time. I learn, so as a result, I grow as an athlete.
With Al’s guidance, I have been able to build a rock-solid foundation (which in my mind simply means a strong, healthy and durable body), progress in my running, set racing goals, and feel great about my performance. It took me awhile, mostly because of things outside of my control, but I was finally confident enough to commit to a racing goal. With the support of my husband I knew could follow through.
I no longer need an excuse to take something for myself anymore. I don’t feel guilty and I continue to fiercely protect that space. I am always grateful for Al’s influence in my life. With his guidance, coaching, and the friendship that evolved from our time working closely together, Al gifted me a lifelong foundation that I know is truth; about priorities, training, running and other important things in life.
Whenever I feel things start to unravel with my running, I stop what I am doing and go back to the basics. I come back to the philosophy that Al taught me. I trust it. Why? Because it’s never failed me, and I don’t think it ever will. Once I made the commitment, I was on a journey that would change everything. I know now things will never be the same as they used to be, thanks to the work Al and I have done together.
-Lara Lombardi
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